Green on the Inside

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. - Irish Blessing

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Happy, or Just Content?

"Are you happy?" This was the question my mother posed several months ago, during the phase in my life when nearly everyone in my immediate family felt the need to express concern about the fact that I'm single and presently boyfriend-less and, as a result, make me cry. Often. My answer was a resounding and very honest "yes!"

I'm not sure she believed me, but at least she hasn't asked again.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm truly happy or just content. I've always believed that contentment is a dangerous state of mind. When you're content, you aren't challenged, and you can't grow. And it's true. I've never been much of a "dater" - when I was in school and fell for someone, I fell hard and fast, but it wasn't often mutual. Now I'm learning what it's like to date as a "real adult", the idea of going out with a man in order to find out if I'm interested, rather than going out with a man after I've developed an interest in him.

Tomorrow is another test. A lunch date with the friend of a friend. I'm not sure I'm interested in him, but I'm learning that that's the point, and he looks good on paper. A few months ago I had my first blind date - another friend of a friend. It wasn't a match, but it was good practice, and it was a pleasant evening with a very nice man but unfortunately without the chemistry. Let's hope tomorrow goes just as well, if not better. I'll keep you posted.


  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger Gadget said…

    thanks. it's good to be here. and it's true - I tend to become complacent often, so that's yet another thing I'm working on.


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