Green on the Inside

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. - Irish Blessing

Thursday, January 26, 2006

January at the Gym

I like to consider myself a "regular" at the gym, which is why I hate the gym in January. It's all the "New Year's Resolutioners." Don't get me wrong - I applaud people who are looking to improve themselves for whatever reason gets them there, whether it's their health or vanity or some other reason. But at the same time, I hate them. It's not as if more than a handful of them will still be going to the gym in a couple of months, so I just wish they'd go home and stop clogging up the machines.

I like to work out in the morning. Ordinarily, at 6 am, you can have your pick of the equipment. I'm a creature of habit and really like to use the same machine every time. And I like my personal space. Working out is much more pleasant when the machine next to me is empty.

January, however, is terrible. Yesterday, I actually saw a line, A LINE!, for the treadmills. At 6 am! And the row of ellipticals where I work out is now consistently full. I ended up spending half of my workout - 25 minutes - stuck next to the guy with the worst and strongest body odor ever. I wouldn't have this problem in June, because the machine next to me would be empty. But not in January.

For now, I'll count the days until late February and pray that each day that the New Year's Resolutioner population continues to dwindle.


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