Green on the Inside

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. - Irish Blessing

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Old Love

Thinking about tonight’s date and my desire not to kiss C, I remembered the first time I kissed S. After much long distance flirting over e-mail, we were finally in the same city again and had spent the evening talking about our potential relationship. I had driven, and as we pulled into my driveway, I vividly remember him sitting in the passenger seat, as I turned off the car, asking me if he could kiss me now. Oh, God, yes please! So we got out of the car – and naturally, it was lovely.

Every once in a while, I think about S, though not as frequently as I once did, and that’s a good thing, considering that relationship ended nearly 10 years ago. But you never forget your first love. Even when he’s now married and is probably starting a family, or at least thinking about it.

After the relationship ended, I couldn’t get over him. You see, we were still in constant contact, communicating by e-mail, seeing each other on occasion, and I just couldn’t get past the hope that he’d change his mind and come back to me. I was in love, and in some ways it was crippling. I figured out that I had to cut all contact for a while so that I could get over him. It seemed to work at the time, but I don’t think it was permanent. It didn’t help that, for a while, he lived with my brother, which meant that, on occasion, I saw him and also met his girlfriends. There were only two after me, and he’s now married to #2. Neither was good enough for him as far as I was concerned, but I suppose that’s just because neither was me. It didn’t help that my sister-in-law didn’t (maybe still doesn’t) like the girlfriend who is now his wife.

When I found out he had gotten married, it came as a bit of a shock, but I wasn’t as upset as I’d once imagined I’d be. In some ways, I was angry that he didn’t have the guts to tell me himself. But in a way I believe that he was simply trying not to hurt me and maybe didn’t know how to tell me. It also served as the catalyst for ceasing all communication. I never hear from him, and I never see him anymore. But I do occasionally hear about him, as my brother and sister-in-law still see S and his wife sometimes. And sometimes it still hurts, because I wish it was me.

There was one compelling reason he wasn’t the right man for me, and I know that in my head. But sometimes, like this morning, thinking about that first kiss, I feel just a little sad, missing him. I still love him, and I suppose I always will, at least until I find someone else worthy of my heart.


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