Closet Shopping
I never imagined I'd be one to say that I have too many clothes. Seriously, I adore shopping, and my closet is completely filled, though I dare anyone to suggest that there is no more room for any more clothes. I will prove you wrong in exactly 1.2 seconds. Or less. The reality is that I don't even wear a lot of the things in my closet, but I'm also a queen procrastinator with grand plans of cleaning out the closet and getting rid of things I'll never wear again. Someday.
But this morning I had a fleeting thought that maybe I *do* have too many clothes. I dismissed it quickly, but it was already out there. You see, I have my closet organized, not just by color but also by sleeve length - sleeveless, short sleeves, and long sleeves (including 3/4 length). And as I was removing one of my cats from the closet before she chewed a hole in my sexy red silk tank, I noticed a sheer black sleeve sticking out from the sleeveless section. My first thought was, "That's a sleeve. It doesn't belong there. And funny, I can't tell you what shirt that sleeve belongs to." I pulled the top out to discover a fabulous black "going out" top that I haven't worn since I bought it. Looking at the label, I realized that I had bought it in December (it came from a store that doesn't exist where I live).
Now I desperately want to go somewhere so that I have an excuse to wear it, since I don't "go out" all that often. I'll consider that an incentive to get moving on increasing my dating prospects, which I actually started on last week...more on that later.
At 2:24 PM,
Gadget said…
Yes, BNA. I usually keep my closet doors closed to avoid this problem, but there are some days I'm forced to leave them open all day because I simply have neither the energy nor desire to get the mischievous creatures out when I'm ready to leave the house!
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