Green on the Inside

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. - Irish Blessing

Monday, February 06, 2006

Dating in February? A Bad Idea?

I think this is a dangerous time of year to date. Unless you have a sweetie firmly in place, I think it's generally a bad idea to date in the period between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day, but mostly just January and early February. Entirely too much pressure. But we all know that's not going to stop me! I figure it's safe as long as you don't make plans on the actual Hallmark-sponsored non-holiday. (I'm not bitter, just because I've been single for the last 12 V-Days... ;-) )

C called this weekend. Naturally, as I was neither prepared nor inclined to dole out rejection over the phone, particularly as I was sitting in the drive-through line at Starbucks, I chose not to answer the phone. This is the man who has never once asked me out over the phone, so felt no obligation to reject him over the phone. I can only assume that it was the passage of four days since his last e-mail without any response from me that prompted the phone call. But in any event, the "thanks, but no thanks" e-mail has now gone out, and I'm relieved to have that behind me.

I'm hoping to finally meet G in person later this week. Of course, if he doesn't call me tonight, he won't catch me at home until the week is nearly over. And naturally I can't be a woman of the 21st century and call him myself, since I don't have his number. So I guess I'll just have to wait, but I certainly won't be sitting at home while doing so.


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