Tick Tock
I'm at work. I've been here for a little more than 5 hours. I can, in theory, leave in about 1 1/2 hours (I'm an "exempt" employee and can basically come and go as I please, work permitting). And I am completely and totally bored out of my mind. My boss is out today, but I can't leave because I'm the only employee here who does the type of work I do, so in essence, I'm the designated representative. And since my boss is out, I can't ask him for more work, although I'm sure he wouldn't have much to give me, 'cause Shoe-Shopping Co-Worker has asked him the same thing for a few days now and got nothing.
I've reviewed the documents I had to review - the only project I had on my desk that I'm not waiting for something else to be done before I can continue. I've read my favorite sites - PBPO, Tomato Nation, This Fish - and I've played my usual two different versions of online Sudoko (which is quite addicting, I might add). I've done about all the online shopping I can take/afford. And now I'm out.
This is really pathetic. Can't I just go home and play with my cats and veg in front of the TV? Yes. In an hour and half. Sigh.
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