Green on the Inside

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. - Irish Blessing

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I have allergies. Generally speaking, they're not so bad - mild seasonal allergies that, until this year, were hardly noticeable, as well as allergies to animals. Yes, this includes cats, and as you know from my prior posts, I have two cats. Call me crazy, but I'd heard that many people are able to develop an immunity to their own cats, even while remaining allergic to all others, and I was willing to take the chance, after seeing that it happened to my brother, after he married a woman with a cat. I figured if it didn't work, I'd know within a month or so, and I wouldn't be so attached to my babies as to make it unbearable to give them up if I had to. As luck (or fate, or whatever) would have it, it was a success. After two weeks of being horribly congested (and keeping the kittens out of my bedroom to give me an 8-hour respite from the dander-laden furballs), even while taking allergy medication, the allergic reaction seemed to disappear.

Or so I thought. A few weeks ago, I found myself the freeway at nearly midnight on a weeknight, driving roughly 15 miles to my parents' house just to use my mother's inhaler. That's right - an asthma attack. I've always had super-mild, barely noticeable, rarely manifested asthma, but I was never "officially" diagnosed, and I'd never had a need for an inhaler before. So the next day I got myself an appointment with my doctor. Naturally, the doctor told me I needed to kick my babies out of my bedroom, something I couldn't think of doing. Until I ended up using the inhaler 2 nights in a row - not a particularly severe event, and not one I probably couldn't have gotten through without the inhaler, but I just didn't want to risk the worsening of this condition. So last Friday night, I cleaned all the linens and removed the kittens from the bedroom. They haven't been back since (except the one who managed to sneak past me this morning before being promptly removed). I'm not entirely sure that removing them from the bedroom has made any difference, so I may decide to let them back in again at some point in the near future. This is just an experiment.

And one other experiment I may try - I've heard acupuncture can cure allergies, even asthma. I was hesitant at first, until my ordinarily skeptical physician uncle thought it was a worthwhile experiment. I'll let you know how it goes...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Never a Dull Moment

I have recently discovered that, when you have cats, kittens in particular, there is never a dull moment. I have two, though in reality, only one of them seems to be the trouble-maker of the pair. Callie, my precious Callie, seems to have a paper obsession - primarily toilet paper off the roll and wads of paper from the trash can under my desk. I've tried everything to keep Callie from unrolling the TP - including turning the roll around and taping the end of the roll down - but the only thing that seems to have kept Callie from this particular mischief is removing the roll from its place of convenience and relocating it out of her reach.

Most recently, Callie has developed a love affair with my slippers. I get up in the morning, and I usually have to hunt for one or both of them before I can allow my feet to make contact with the very cold tile floor in my bathroom. And when I get home in the evening, the hunt begins again. She seems to like hiding them behind the hall door, but one morning only one slipper was missing, and it took what felt like five minutes to find it. Five extra minutes I don't usually have because I'm a slow mover in the morning and am usually running late, without having to go hunting.

Callie and Lexi are now 10 months old. In theory, the mischief will stop soon because they won't be kittens much longer, which makes me both sad and relieved at the same time. Of course, one wise source advised me that kitten mischief often lasts until they're two years old. And then there's always the possibility that Callie will always be the trouble maker.

At least I know I will never want for home entertainment.