Green on the Inside

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. - Irish Blessing

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Warm Fuzzy

I was listening to Achtung Baby today. U2's Zoo TV tour was my very first concert ever, and they were, are, and will forever be my most favorite band. That concert was a birthday gift from my brother - I was 17, in my senior year of high school, and my brother was 20 and in college. He had moved out of the house, and I think this was the beginning stages of our transition from siblings to siblings and friends. My brother has never been particularly vocal about his affections, but I've always known, through his conduct over the years both before and after this birthday gift, that he loved me and would do whatever it took to protect me if and when necessary. So when he asked me one morning, maybe a month before my birthday, if I wanted to go to the U2 concert, I was thrilled. Sure, it was the prospect of my first concert, and going to see my most favorite band, but a huge part of it was knowing that he and I would be doing something together, just the two of us.

Of course, having awesome floor seats, about 25 yards or so from the end of the "catwalk" part of the stage didn't hurt either.

I still have the t-shirt I bought at that concert more than 13 years ago, though it's tucked away in the bottom of a drawer and isn't worn anymore. To this day, that concert is probably the best present I have ever been given, and only a little of that is because of my boys - Bono, The Edge, Adam, and Larry.

Friday, February 10, 2006

You have GOT to be kidding me...

I had my date with G. For some reason I can't figure out, he picked me up at my brother and sister-in-law's house. My brother and sister-in-law wanted to introduce me to someone, so they arranged for him to come to their house about 15 minutes before G was to arrive. Seemed like a good plan, until G arrived early, and there were a few awkward moments before G and I walked out to his car.

I have to say that I was rather disappointed in his appearance - a scruffy beard (I hate facial hair) and more body hair than I generally find attractive.
As we went to his car, he walked me to the passenger side, and like a gentleman, opened the door for me. But it was a rather strange car. It was a right-hand drive and had a seat immediately next to the driver's seat but set back about 6 inches, in addition to the traditional passenger seat in the front. I took my seat, and it turned out that G was a bit of a slime bag, too, as he kept trying to put his hand on my thigh - I successfully evaded the maneuver, and all he did was put is hand on the seat between my knees. So, unattractivesleazyleezy. What a "great" blind date...until...

(You're probably thinking this sounds a little weird to you. Well, it did to me, too.)

...until I woke up. What a relief!

This was the dream I had a few nights ago. Clearly I'm feeling a little anxiety about meeting G on Sunday. But I'm sure that the real thing can't possibly be worse than the dream. I hope!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Dating in February? A Bad Idea?

I think this is a dangerous time of year to date. Unless you have a sweetie firmly in place, I think it's generally a bad idea to date in the period between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day, but mostly just January and early February. Entirely too much pressure. But we all know that's not going to stop me! I figure it's safe as long as you don't make plans on the actual Hallmark-sponsored non-holiday. (I'm not bitter, just because I've been single for the last 12 V-Days... ;-) )

C called this weekend. Naturally, as I was neither prepared nor inclined to dole out rejection over the phone, particularly as I was sitting in the drive-through line at Starbucks, I chose not to answer the phone. This is the man who has never once asked me out over the phone, so felt no obligation to reject him over the phone. I can only assume that it was the passage of four days since his last e-mail without any response from me that prompted the phone call. But in any event, the "thanks, but no thanks" e-mail has now gone out, and I'm relieved to have that behind me.

I'm hoping to finally meet G in person later this week. Of course, if he doesn't call me tonight, he won't catch me at home until the week is nearly over. And naturally I can't be a woman of the 21st century and call him myself, since I don't have his number. So I guess I'll just have to wait, but I certainly won't be sitting at home while doing so.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Next, please!

It seems I had nothing to be worried about. It was much easier than I'd imagined to keep my distance and avoid any hug or kiss from C. Not that I was worried about a hug or even displeased at the thought of one, but I knew that a hug would simply increase the chances of an attempted kiss simply because we'd be closer. Unfortunately the vague references to my busy schedule did not deter him from saying he's looking forward to our next date (again, no actual asking involved), so now I'll have to be more direct about things. Fortunately he still hasn't attempted any communication via any other method than e-mail, so it'll be a little easier to hand out the rejection.

On another note, my pending blind date, G, called last night and finally caught me at home, after leaving two messages on my machine without his number so I could return the call (a little odd, but whatever). We talked for nearly an hour! And it was a much easier and more pleasant phone conversation than I've ever had with a man I've never met. So I'm feeling optimistic about this one. Let's just hope that he's cute and that my good friend Chemistry makes an appearance when meet in person. No firm plans yet, but there will be another call "early next week." Keep your fingers crossed for me!